Financial Details Your Family Will Need If You Are No More

Fund-Matters | November 28, 2020 | Investments, Investments & Assets, Savings, Testament, Will, | 0 Comments

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The motto of this article is to help you understand the importance of sharing information regarding your investments, assets, loan/liabilities, wishes and other key documents with your loved ones. It also aims at keeping all of that information in one convenient place which will have easy access to your family and loved ones.

Life is uncertain and we don’t know the time or when we are going to die. But before we die, there are certain documents we should keep in a place so our loved ones will not feel lost with the additional stress of figuring it out all on their own.

Following is a list of items/ details which are required by your family members in case of any unfortunate event:

  1. Your income details
  2. Expenses and savings
  3. Bank account details
  4. Your investments including employer sponsored plans and details like names, folio numbers, amount of investment etc.
  5. Insurance details like term/health, car, property insurance
  6. Credit cards and debt details like number of cards/loans, outstanding amount etc.
  7. Details about other loans like home loan, personal loan, amount outstanding, amount paid etc.
  8. Any fixed assets like land or property.
  9. Nominee names for your each investment and assets.
  10. Taxation details

above is just a list of main items which may not be complete, one can add the items which are not there. It’s always better to make an excel file for maintaining such details and you can share a copy of same with your spouse/nominee or other family member you trust. If both partners are working then make sure to make a separate file for each. Following is the example of the excel file:





You can also add details about contact person(s)  like your Lawyer, Financial Planner or Chartered Accountant and some additional personal details in case of any unfortunate event or when you will not be there.

One should keep updating the file whenever there are any changes happen. In case of an unfortunate event this file can help you or your loved ones with lot of important financial things. It will also make it easy for them to sort out financial matters. In addition to the above file, make sure you are making a Will/Testament, so that your family will be protected and there will be not conflicts.

Don’t postpone getting all these documents in a place. Life can change drastically at any moment. Therefore, be sure to share information with your family member, spouse or loved ones where these documents can be found.


Note: – This article is based on one of my Quora answer. If you need a copy of excel file like above please send email on



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